I dyed my hair brown! This is actually my natural color, so I laugh a little when everyone tells me it looks, "So natural! So good with your coloring!"

I moved! This is really why I've been so absent from the internet... mostly. I now live in a little studio, in a building that was a hotel in the 20's. It's got a ton of charm, although I miss my Mid Century Dream House.
I've become obsessed with hiking! You can tell because I not only invested in hiking boots (after an unfortunate ankle-turning incident), I instagram-ed a picture of them the first time I wore them.
I've hiked to waterfalls!
I've hiked above the clouds!
Now let's move on to pictures of food...
I've been eating! This is a donut from Donut Friend, which is my current food obsession. Every weekend, I suggest Donut Friend at least once a day... but try to actually eat it less.
I've been cooking! One of my requirements for my new apartment was that it have a full kitchen (yes, this is a thing to think about when one is looking at studios), and I've been making good use of it, with the Trader Joe's that is right next door. This is my current go-to recipe, Lemon Chicken Stew. I bake the chicken instead of frying it in the pot, but to each his own.
And of course, I've been knitting. The tiniest bit of selfish knitting - a Harnett Tank in Goldrush and Pearlescent. More on this later.
How have y'all been?