Photo from the Too Hectic Shop
As soon as I saw the "Hectic Empire" print, I wanted it. Then it occurred to me that I had planned for my kitchen to be cowboy themed. Add the fact that Chris and I are big Star-Wars-loving nerds (I used to call my brother "rebel scum" during our childhood fights), and it put me over the edge - I ordered the print from Zachary's shop, Too Hectic.
a temporary hanging solution
Fast forward about a week and half. It had not been delivered, and I had not heard anything, so I sent Zachary an email asking if my print had been shipped. I was not worried until I got a response saying that he had shipped it the day I had placed the order, and "I could have hand delivered it to Chicago by now, so I'm a little nervous about it!"
Now, y'all should know - the Chicago postal system is terrible. I once lost a package for a good 3 months - they refused to redeliver it AND they refused to send it back to my grandma (and there was a DS game inside!) I had specifically given Zachary my address at work, which is usually more reliable than having things delivered to my apartment. So we decided to wait a little longer and see if it was delivered, and if it didn't arrive, Zachary offered to give me a refund, or to send me the very last print he had - one of his artist proofs.
my own cowboy Storm Trooper, hanging out in my kitchen
A few days later, it still hadn't arrived, and I emailed Zachary to tell him so, and he said he would send out the artist proof. And the very next day, two and half weeks after it had been shipped, the original print arrived, looking like it had been through an apocalypse. The tube was dented in two spots, but it was heavy-duty, so the print inside was unscathed. Zachary had not sent the replacement yet, so everything ended well!
I want to commend Zachary on his exemplary customer service in addition to his artistic talents. What could have been a terrible experience turned into a great one - he answered my emails at all times of the day, even at work, and offered a lot of different solutions. That, my friends, is how it should be done. If you want to order your own print, or one of his other awesome products, head to his shop here.
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