And now for the official slideshow:
My Trip to LA
by Katie Canavan
The lovely woman seated next to me on the plane was crocheting, so of course I had to strike up a conversation with her! She gave me this phone cozy at the end of the trip - so kind!
Chris and I were in awe of the beautiful "mountains" you can see from everywhere in LA. Chicago is flat, people, so these are mountains to us.
We went to the Getty Center, a beautiful museum at the top of a hill, and took this silly video before we looked at all the art.
The gardens at the Getty Center were spectacular.
See? Crazy (sexy) beautiful!
Chris is so LA - talking on the phone and wearing sunglasses at the same time.
Melissa, our lovely host, took us hiking in Griffith Park. We hiked up to the observatory, which was a good opportunity for me to realize how out-of-shape I am.
Once again - hiking up a mountain - not something that happens in Chicago.
Chris, Melissa and I spent an afternoon at Santa Monica Pier. We rode the roller coaster, shopped a bit, and ate good food. I insisted we take off our shoes and wade in the water and it was quite cold. Despite this, children were happily swimming!
We had a really great time, and got to see so many of our Chicago friends we've been missing. It was such a great break from the (still) dreary Chicago weather, and I can't wait to go back.