Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Celebrity Mustaches... and an announcement...

More mustaches! Each has his own distinct (celebrity) personality.

So I'm sure you are asking yourself, "How many felt mustaches does one girl need?!"

Answer: I am going to open an Etsy shop. So you will soon be able to find these lovely mustaches, for sale, at katiecanavan.etsy.com. If you go look now - don't do it - there is nothing there. Do not be too disappointed. On Thursday morning I am going on vacation (to Disney World!), but after I get back, expect a few more updates before the official shop opening!


  1. Have fun on your vacation and good luck on the etsy shop! I have a friend who really likes your mustaches, so I'll definitely let her know when your shop opens.

  2. Brittany, that would be great! Thanks!

  3. Can one request a mustache? My guy always seems to have to grow a mustache for whatever play he's in and it always ends up looking the same. I call it the Ron Jeremy. It only seems right to immortalize it on a plaque and give it as an opening night present. Is that a possibility?

  4. I am so glad you decided to do this!!! Where is the Dali?

  5. Thank you everyone! I am back now and hoping to get some major work done this weekend.

    Char- you can certainly request! Send me an email at m (dot) katie (dot) canavan (at) gmail (dot) com.

  6. OMG that is a great idea! you're stuff is awesome!


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