Monday, April 30, 2012

Instagrams from April

Easter Candy vintage coat at the Olympics! (... or on set) pretty dressnew obsession... hangin' in the pool flowers at work two at a time! Chris' play double rainbow! Micky sweater fabric pressies! bunny ring the best breakfast juice

1. Our little Easter Baskets. 2. A fabulous, but too-small vintage coat. 3. At the "Olympics"... on set for a commercial. 4. Vintage dress time! 5. Nail polish obsession (I blame Danielle and Cirilia). 6. Chillin' in the pool. 7. Flowers at work. 8. Two-at-a-time toe-up socks. 9. The set for Chris' play. 10. Double rainbow! 11. Mickey sweater. 12. A little fabric present from Caitlin! 13. A bunny ring I couldn't resist. 14. Getting back into juicing! 

1 comment :

  1. I have the same Laurie Wisbrun donkey fabric! I had someone make it into a quilt for my little girl, and it just makes me smile every time I see it.


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