Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Knit Like it's 2004

When I moved from Chicago to LA, I went through every single thing I own, and buried deep in a huge plastic bin, I found one of the earliest examples of my knitting: 

old school knits

The pattern is Stephanie Japel's Minisweater (aka Boobholder), and I knit it in the spring of 2004. I clearly remember wearing it for the first time to the cast party of Into the Woods my sophomore year at Michigan State (I played Granny & the Giant, for those interested). No picture of me wearing it at the time exists, but for reference, here's what I looked like at the time:


Ahhh, the days of the timestamp! Is it just me, or is there a stain on that shirt? Ok, back to the sweater.

It's knit with a lovely hand-painted superwash wool that I bought at a tiny yarn store near the MSU campus, which was probably the first time I bought "expensive" yarn. Upon closer examination, you can see that all my stitches are twisted

close up on the terrible knitting

Yup, I knit with twisted stitched for at least the first 2 years I was a "serious knitter." Since I taught myself from online tutorials and books, I didn't realize my mistake for some time. Good thing I finally corrected myself, right?

Ahhh, memories! 


  1. That yarn is beautiful! I love looking at project from my early years of crocheting (I would say I am still in my early years of knitting, so who knows what kind of mistakes I am making), the best is a ripple blanket that I still use in while watching movies, I just kinda gave up on weaving in the ends (this was before I discovered that you could weave them as you go)!

    1. My early crochet blankets have just totally come apart because of lack of end-weaving!

  2. that yarn is beautiful and really kept its colour! I have not gone back to early projects yet, but I reckon the finishing was probably quite shocking then..

    1. Now that I'm thinking about it... I've probably never washed it! Hahahhaah! This was knit before blocking was a regular thing, and I haven't worn it much in the last 5 years....

  3. I knit my first sweater right around the same time - I think I finished it in early 2005. The pattern is Skully from the first Stitch n Bitch book, and it's knit out of Lamb's Pride Bulky. It's so heavy I've only been able to wear it a few times, and there are numerous mistakes. I'll never be able to get rid of it though, just like my first swatch.

  4. Exactly! Even though there were missteps, they were OURS, for the first time.

  5. Hahahaha! My first few FOs were knit with every knit stitch actually knit TBL, so they all looked really wonky. :)

    1. Glad to know I'm not alone in my wonky first FO's!


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